The purposeful work on the automation of library-informational processes began in 1979 when a modern system for automated information service for readers was implemented in the environment of operating system Novel 4.11. ISOT-0310 computer information search system and information search devices UPDML 9002-02 and IPS ISOT-0320 have been introduced, enabling the first subscription access to the AGRIS (FAO) magnetic stripe database in 1980. A current newscast is issued.
The next stage is the automation of individual processes in the library based on the DOS operating system to create a local library network with 15 automated workplaces in 1994. In 2003, the increase of the workstations and the volume of the introduced information required to replace the existing network and move to a faster 100 Mbit's network in the LINUX operating system environment using SoftLib's specialized software CDS/ISIS for Windows software.

At present, the library has a modern computer network with over 110 automated workplaces, including 9 servers under LINUX, Windows and Windows Server, the number of databases and records in them grows. In 2013, a reader service module E-LIB “Statistics and Service” was introduced, and in 2017 a “My Library” module that allows online service through the provision of services: access to a personal reader's card with information on the documents and current status queries; an opportunity for online overwriting of occupied documents; the ability to store documents online and track the status of the request; the ability to build own virtual collections of books. Permanent IT department priority is to upgrade existing automated workstations, servers, peripherals and specialized software.

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